Removing Scleral Lenses

Wash hands thoroughly with non-moisturizing soap and dry completely with a lint-free cloth.

Facing a mirror on the wall, secure the eye lids similarly to when applying the lens.

Place the removal device at the 6 o'clock position with enough pressure to allow the device to suction onto the lens.

Use the removal device to break the suction of the lens from the eye by rocking it in an outward-upward motion from the eye.
Adding a drop of saline onto the removal device helps the device to suction onto the lens and makes it easier to remove.
Don't apply removal device to the center of the lens. This creates unwanted outward pulling pressure on the eye during removal.

Once suction breaks, gently pull the lens away from the eye without the lens dragging on the surface of the eye.
1. Nudge the bottom of the lens upwards with your finger through the lower lid to break suction.
2. Apply gentle pressure on the white of your eye below the edge of the contact with your finger through the lower lid to break suction.
If the lens isn't coming off easily, try these options:

Remove the lens from the device by gently sliding it off. Wash the removal device with warm water and mild soap.
Store dry.